Statement: Condemnation of the statement by former president Mohamed Nasheed

Maldivians are a nation of peace, a people who strives for justice, a people who stands against corruption and a people who above all else upholds the values of Islam, the religion of peace. Maldivians have upheld these principles for over 800 years and are determined to continue to be guided by these principles. The Adhaalath Party (AP) was formed on and continues to uphold these values, to ensure that the Islamic and peaceful identity of the people of Maldives is preserved and to ensure the sovereignty of this nation is not harmed.
In 2015 following a call by the Adhaalath Party, then opposition parties AP, Jumhooree Party (JP) and Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) formed a coalition against tyranny, arbitrary detention, injustice and corruption. President of the Adhaalath Party Sheikh Imran Abdulla, alongside His Excellency President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, JP Leader Honorable Qasim Ibrahim and President of Maldives Reform Movement (MRM) former president Maumoon Abdul Qayyoom led this coalition through the 2018 presidential election. The people of Maldives voted for the principles of peace, justice and a pledge to uproot corruption. The people voted for the coalition ticket and elected HEP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.
Pursuant to the statement issued by the Office of President Mohamed Nasheed on the 17th of July 2021, the Adhaalath Party condemns the statement in its entirety and condemns it especially for trying to portray the people of the Maldives as extremists. This is a false, inaccurate and rhetorical statement trying to achieve selfish political goals under the guise of freedom, equality and economic prosperity.
Following the submission of an amendment on 25th May 2021 to the Maldivian Penal Code (9/2014) and a call by the parliament for public comments, the Adhaalath Party raised multiple concerns. Some of the concerns were that the bill did not comply with UN guidelines on preventing hate crimes, nor recommendations of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, nor the obligations upon the Maldives as a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the bill’s infringement on the freedom of expression and its contradiction with the Constitution of Maldives and its contradiction with principles of Islam. Adhaalath Party issued a statement and published a paper detailing out concerns with regards to the bill and expressed that the party looked forward to addressing the issues through discussions, and our support to a properly consulted bill that abides by international guidelines, the Maldivian Constitution and the principles of Islam. Furthermore the Maldivian people in general, represented by more than 120 local councils, more than 100 NGOs, all coalition partners except MDP, the opposition parties, and a large number of parliamentarians expressed their concerns and rejection of the said amendment. Moreover, the amendment was also rejected by the Parliament of the Maldives, in which MDP holds a super-majority. It is false, to the extent of delusion to claim that this is the minority view. The bill remains in the parliament, and it is upon the parliament to listen to the electorate.
The Adhaalath Party supports and applauds the government of HEP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih for meaningful steps towards solving the issue of violent extremism in the Maldives and for being the first government in the Maldives to give the issue top priority. Furthermore, the President of the Adhaalath Party Sheikh Imran Abdulla as the incumbent Minister of Home Affairs is working tirelessly to implement the government’s policy against violent extremism and working closely with national and international agencies towards achieving the goal of a resilient, peaceful, and cohesive society.
We bring to the attention of the international community the efforts to undermine the legitimate authority of the Democratically elected President and the Democratic process in the Maldives. Individual political ambitions are being pushed in the guise of national issues and selfish demands are being made by those who have failed to gain political ground in the recent past. The Adhaalath Party calls upon the people of Maldives to remain steadfast and to reject extremism and extremists, both religious and political. We stand firm with the government of the Maldives in its efforts to tackle violent extremism. Furthermore, we reiterate our commitment to the people of the Maldives that the Adhaalath Party will remain on its mission to ensure and defend the values and principles that it was formed upon and shall not be deterred by the smear campaigns of a few individuals.
7 Dhul-Hijjah 1442
17 July 201